Leadership & Philanthropy

Glory to God! Under the love and guidance of our beloved, Mrs. Jolynn, this past Saturday, our Orthodox Lifestyles (1&2) students helped bring to fruition, through their hardwork and leadership, a beautiful act of compassion and philanthropy.

The goal of the OCLS classes is to bring our faith to a practical and applied level in the students’ daily lives. This includes a school-wide service project that was completely planned and led by the OCLS students. This year, the students chose Uncle Pete’s Ministry. The students were committed to keeping their philanthropic efforts local.

Uncle Pete’s Ministry is a meal packing ministry that works together with youth. The aim of our service projects is not simply to provide service, but to cultivate servant leaders. In so doing the students chose the ministry, designed the promotional flyers, drafted the project proposal presented to our board and finally they will present a power point presentation to board members and parents at the end of the year.

This is all a part of their formation as servant leaders to not only provide service, but to hold them accountable to our leaders and benefactors for their decisions.

We were blessed to have Fr. Nicolae Carbun join us in the morning to pray with our students before they began their tasks
We were most humbled by the observations of the volunteers from Uncle Pete’s Ministry by the work ethic and respectfulness of our students and the beauty of their families.

An assembly line was set up the entire length of the hallway in our school and our students along with their families packed 300 meals to be delivered to a food pantry in the Humboldt Park neighborhood.

The day was filled with joy, enthusiasm, fellowship and gratitude. We are thankful for the hard work and selflessness our students put forth!

If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Orthodox Lifestyles Course, on Wednesdays, between 4:00 – 5:30 pm, please contact [email protected]. Ongoing Enrollment: www.thochs.org.