The course in theology is designed to give deeper understanding of the Orthodox faith to the students. The main goal is to further deepen their faith and in a form of a dialogue to be able to discuss the basics of the Christian Orthodox teaching. The course will discuss the phenomena of our contemporary society as well in which they live and create their own life. The course in theology should encourage the students to apply the teaching of our Orthodox Church in their own life.
Deacon Jovan Anicic completed Orthodox Theological Faculty of University of Belgrade, in Serbia. He received Master of Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. Dn Jovan completed his Ph. D studies ad the Faculty of Dogmatic Theology at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. Dn Jovan Anicic has established Orthodox Lighthouse Publishing in 2014. Together with his wife have 4 children. Dn Jovan works for the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of New Gracanica and Midwestern America. Dn Jovan Anicic resides in Niles, IL.
Lessons include:
- Introduction to the course: Theology at the greatest gift from God
- The quest of God: to know and search God; the importance of personal relationship
- The experience of faith: Greek philosophy and Christian experience
- God as Trinity: The biblical testimony and the challenges of ancient philosophy
- God as the Creator: the act of creation from a Christian perspective
- Freedom and the fall: Adam and Eve
- Consequences of the fall: nakedness, guilt, “coats of skin”
- Protoeuangelio- the Messianic idea in the writings of the Old Testament
- The First Ecumenical Council: Jesus Christ: The Son of the living God
- The Second Ecumenical Council: The Holy Spirit
- The Third Ecumenical Council: Theotokos
- The Fourth Ecumenical Council: Perfect God and perfect man
- The Nativity of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem of Judaea
- Prayer: Our thoughts determine our life
- Love vs Hatred: A Christian perspective
- Depression and stress
- (Cyber) Addiction
- The history of the Orthodox Church in America
Contemporary Saints of America
- Orthodoxy and its mission in the USA
- Doc film: The quiet nook of Christ- an example of life of a Saint (Mardarije of Libertyville)
- Church: The body of Christ
- Lenten Journey: Perfection into the measure of Christ
- Natural energies: St. Gregory Palamas
- The Cross and redemption
- Virtue vs Sin: St. John the Ladder
- Renewal of life: St. Mary of Egypt
- Christian Pascha: The life in Christ
Anger and Racism: An Orthodox perspective on humanity
- Rejoice: Happiness of being Orthodox Christian
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit; Road to perfection
- Pentecost: The birthday of the Church
- Myself and the world: Orthodox contribution to contemporary society